Art Everyday
Art Everyday is really about creating a “making” habit – carving time out each day, week, or month that you set aside and really protect.
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Follow These Steps to Create an Art Everyday Habit

Step One
Commit To A Time
Find a time that you know is relatively easy to commit to - in other words, you won’t find yourself shifting it every week because of work and kid schedules. Maybe it’s 5 am once a week when the house is quiet, Saturday evening once a month…
Step One

Step Two
Scope Out A Place
Find a place in your home that you can take over - the kitchen table, an underused guest room, a corner in your bedroom...
Step Two

Step Three
Create a Ritual
Set the tone for your creative time. Turn off all devices, pick out some cool music (or not), pour a cup of coffee or tea. The set up and take down process are part of the ritual, too - and especially important if you are borrowing space.
Step Three

Step Four
Set an Intention
Are you exploring different creative practices over the next few months or really digging deep in a single area? Are you using this time to recharge and reawaken your inner creative or connect with friends? Keep in mind that this is your time and presents an opportunity to be uncompromising in what you want to explore and create. Sharing this time with family and friends can be fun but check in with yourself to make sure this matches with your intention. Some people choose to keep some of their Art Everyday time just for themselves while occasionally sharing it with others.
Step Four

Step Five
Explore & Make
Let your imagination run and remember - it’s about slowing down and enjoying the process rather than a race to see how many projects you can finish in a month. This is especially important for you Type A personalities!
Step Five

Step Six
Enjoy the Spill-Over Effect
Spending time creating something with our hands seems to awaken something inside, especially if our day job has us at a desk in front of computer screen 5 days a week. So get lost in the flow of making and reap the benefits - a more relaxed mood, more space in your head for problem-solving, a feeling of accomplishment when you make something tangible...
Step Six