Spiders and the webs they weave bring up a range of emotions in people ranging from fear (think the movie Arachnophobia) to awe – how does a spider weave something so beautiful!
Having been bitten by spiders a couple of times while gardening, I am not always their biggest fan. However, I love their markings and the geometry of the webs they weave. Thinking about how to interpret for an embroidered piece was great fun as I played with swirls, different stitches and colors. The resulting project is Colorful Webs, an embroidery class I will be teaching at Maple Home Market in downtown Downers Grove, IL on February 25th.
Below are several photos from the design process, including a spiked metal orb from Maple Home Market that also informed the basic architecture of the stitched web.
Learn more about the class and register here.